Wednesday 6 May 2009

Filming and Editing

During the filming and editing process, my group and i were finding it difficult to use the cam-corder on the certain shots and angles we wanted. For example, when we wanted to use high angle shot for one of are scenes we could not get the cam-corder to go very high. And because we are using the camera by hand are clips seem shaky because the cam-corder is not steady. The planning of location was also difficult because we changed locations more than once so we could not edit the clips together other wise there would be a loss of continuity editing when we finally found the correct place to film in that also caused a problem, the area we were filming in (Brick lane) is very busy so it was disturbing our filming for example, when filming in the alley way cars repeatedly went by which meant we had to wait so we can film the murder scene.
My group's filming later became successful because when filming again at the right time there wasn't really much of a disturbance, we were also able to get across to the audience what we planned to get across. The camera angles we use e.g. close ups and mediums shot fitted well with the scenes. We also used the tripod most of the time instead of holding the camera while filming which helped.

When editing the film together there were a few problems, starting with cutting the clips at a certain point to fit in with the rest of the clips, also the sound in the background of the scenes as we wanted a quite setting for the scenes, these problems were all fixed because we had double of each clip therefore, when one clip did not go well we where able to work on the other. I also added extra effects such as fade just before the female victim is assaulted which closed up the gap between the murder scene and the scene with the female victim running. which improved the problems we had with all the scenes

Research And Planning.

1. From hell - Directed by The hughes Brothers, 8 February 2002 (UK)
2. Franklyn - Directed by Gerald McMorrow, 27 February 2009 (UK)
3. Resident evil. - Directed by Alexander Witt and Russell Mulcahy, released in 2002

Films that have inspired me are 'From Hell' is a 2001 film based on the graphic novel of the same name by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell. It was directed by the Hughes Brothers, the first and only film they directed outside of the urban film genre. It was first released on October 19, 2001, this movie was influenced by jack the ripper. I would say audiences within the range of 18 and mid 30 would view this film because it includes scenes which contain very strong language,moderate sex and many frightening and disturbing scenes quite often and very gory, also a woman has her heart cut out, the heart is shown dripping with blood. This film will interest women as it is based on love and female life and also people who are interested in history as the film is taken back a century in time. This film is also aimed at everyone of all backgrounds mainly Victorian `england.

'Franklyn' is a 2009 British film written and directed by Gerald McMorrow. We also used the idea of the mysterious man being the bad guy in our production as in Franklyn they also use a mysterious man to be the bad guy. The targeted audience would be between 15 and 30. Audience interested in mysteries and violence will enjoy this film, also people within a range of different ethnicity and background mainly people of a british culture as the film was made in britain.

The film Resident evil is packed full of action, horror, Sci-FI and Thrillers, the targeted audience will be 15 and over as this film contains, sex, nudity, violence and gore,Profanity,Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking,Frightening/Intense Scene and many more. The film will be appropriate for male and female and most of all audience interested in action, thrillers not to forget violence. This type of movie would be viewed by pedestrians who like science and other things along side science. Resident evil is based on both genders and all types of ethnicity as the production includes a lot of make up so you do not come in contact with the persons physicality.

My group and i got our ideas from the film 'From Hell' and also in Franklin i tried to use the same effects as the film for example i used the fade at the end of the film just before the female victim gets murdered.Another film that gave me an idea was residents evil as they use traditional shots in the film dark lighting and big buildings which creates a thriller effect my group and i also use dark lighting and big buildings and also traditional camera angles for example, high angles and close ups which also creates atmospheric tension and makes our production seem more like a thriller.I plan to take some more ideas from the inspiring films, i have chosen for example, the props in the movie Franklin and From hell the main characters who commit the murders wear really dark clothing and a scary mysterious mask which shows the audience its more thriller than comedy. In my production the main character will also be wearing dark everyday clothing except for the fact that there will be no masks. I also plan to use a rage of close ups and medium shots as seen in these films.

Friday 3 April 2009

Final Evaluation

My media product was influenced by the life of Jack the Ripper. The story was based on women victims of Jack who were earning income as prostitutes. We then decided to change the story but stick with the same concept. Therefore, we based our production on a girl who is a prostitute and who is followed by a mysterious man and eventually gets murdered. We used traditional camera angles when filming for example, when filming the beginning of this product we used angles such as high angle/low angle, Close ups and medium shots when filming the main characters.

This production represents a variety of social groups such as, powerful men because the person that plays the part as the murderer is a man, it also conveys female victims and venerable women because, it conveys the way women can easily be trapped and hurt.

Film-Four would be a good institution to distribute my product because it distributes thrillers and horror movies for example, residents of evil and Franklyn. Another media institution would be True Movies because my product is based around a true story. The audience for my product will be for people aged around 16 to 35, as I don’t think young people below the age of 16 should be viewing this product as it does contain images which may be of bad influence. I do think that both sexes male and female would be able to view this as it does represent both genders. This will interest the people who enjoy thrillers and history, as my film does go back to the jack the ripper story. People of all different background and ethnicity will enjoy this production.

I attracted my audience in many ways firstly, the build up to the scene as the audience do not know what is happening at the beginning because they just see a girl which raises questions, in their heads. Sound effects such as screaming and footsteps were used to slowly grab the audience’s attention when the victim is being followed but you can’t work out whom she is being stalked by because you cannot see the stalkers face.

I addressed the audience by the lighting I used, which explains what time of day it was which made my product a typical thriller because it was set in darkness. The back ground music that my group and I used also made my product seem like a thriller because as my product was building in suspense the music was quiet at first then started to get loud gradually which also added tension to my product.

During the process of constructing my thriller and editing my clips together I have learnt how to use the camera well e.g. changing the lights on the camera, holding the camera appropriately to capture the necessary footage. I learnt how to capture different angles and basic techniques for example, zooming in and how to capture high angles and low angles. When editing I learnt how to import clips from the tape onto the scratch disk I learnt how to edit pieces together and cut pieces that I didn’t want out. And I also learnt how to use different effects for example, sound e.c.t although there aren’t many effects in my film.
When editing there were a few technical problems however these were easily overcome by practising around with editing techniques.

Looking back on my preliminary tasks, I have learnt how to make use of various lighting, how to control the camcorder and how to get focused as a group. I feel that I have grown hugely in skill from the first task I undertook. It has taught me about teamwork and working independently, overall I have thoroughly enjoyed myself whilst making this film.However this product could have been improved by spending more time on the editing and using more effects such as different sounds during the production and props.

Monday 23 March 2009

My production

My production is about a mysterious character who only has one advantage, and that is to murder. This mysterious character has many victims. The beginning of the production is suppose to show the character drinking at a pub and having flash backs of the victims he murdered and the streets, he murdered them on. All the victims are prostitutes and get targeted and attacked when they least expect it. No music will be added to this production to give it a mysterious silent effect. The characters who we are going to use are all the 3 main casts as the prostitutes who get murdered and one boy who will cast as the murderer. The main idea behind this project is to inspire history as we used the idea of jack the ripper to inspire are story. We used various locations for our production firstly, we filmed ouside near college then, we filmed in brick lane this was done to get more background footage.

The atmosphere for are production will be very tense the lighting we will be using is dark and natural light.
So far we have no idea for props, my group and i are planning to were normal clothing. We will being taking extra shots for
each scene to decide the best one to use for our actually production. We are also planning to take a variety of different camera angles for example, medium shot, medium close up cut,low angle and high angle to see which one works best for the scene.

My First Practical

For my first practical task, filming a character walking into a room, my group and i decided on what role we would play in this production. My role within the group was to film, certain shot types for example, long shot and close ups. I was pleased with the beginning because my group and i, were able to produce good shots although we found technical difficulties when using the cam-corder for example, when trying to do a long angle shot the camera repeatedly faced upwards, in which we had to find other ways to record. When editing the clips together it all came together nicely, We encountered a few problems when editing the sequences together because we could not import some of the clips onto the computer, However, we did resolve these problems by fast-forwarding the film and asking, for assistance. This task enabled me learn how to import clips from a cam-corder onto a computer. If i were to repeat the task i will make sure i watch the whole film before i import everything at once on the computer, to make sure all my clips are on, and that i have captured all th necessary footage. The footage that i was not pleased with was the clips with the two characters at the end having a conversation because they continually laughed in the process of the clips which made it hard to fit the clips together at the end also most of the camera angle we use were different in each clip so it made it difficult to fit all the scenes together. However, i was pleased with the end result of the filming because when it was put together it all looked really good.